Access Bank IBAN Number and Swift Codes

by Dimlaw 13 days ago
Updated: 12 days ago

Are you looking for Access Banks IBAN or Swift codes?

IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number, which you can use when making or receiving international payments. It's mostly made up of up to 34 letters and each set of characters represents a different detail for your bank account.

These details ensure that international transfers reach the correct recipient without delays.In this article, we will provide you the details needed for international transfer into your Access bank account.

Illustration for Access Bank IBAN Number and Swift Codes

What is Access Bank's IBAN number?

Access Bank in Nigeria does not use the IBAN system for international transactions. Instead, transactions rely on other details, such as the SWIFT code, bank name, intermediary bank’s SWIFT code, and the beneficiary’s account number.

The main difference between an IBAN and SWIFT BIC code lies in what they're used to identify. A SWIFT code refers to a bank, while an IBAN will identify a specific bank account. Basically, a SWIFT number tells you where to pay, and an IBAN tells you who to pay.

Below are the correspondent bank details to ensure your funds are successfully credited to a beneficiary's account in Nigeria.

Bank 1 of 2: CITI BANK

For seamless transactions, it is essential to have the correct beneficiary and intermediary bank details. Below are the key details required for USD, GBP, and Euro inflows

USD (US dollar) inflows

  • Beneficiary bank's Name: Access Bank Plc
  • Beneficiary bank's Swift code: ABNGNGLA
  • Beneficiary bank's Account number:36145842
  • Intermediary bank's Name: Citibank New York
  • New York
  • N.Y100043
  • Intermediary bank's Swift code: CITIUS33
  • Routing number:021000089

GBP (pounds) inflows

  • Beneficiary bank's Name: Access Bank Plc
  • Beneficiary bank's Swift code: ABNGNGLA
  • Beneficiary bank's IBAN NO (GBP): GB27ClT11850081 107121 1
  • Intermediary bank's Name: Cit Bank London
  • Citi Group Centre
  • Canary Wharf
  • Intermediary bank's Swift code: CITIGB2L
  • Sort Code:185008

EUR (Euro) inflows

  • Beneficiary bank's Name: Access Bank Plc
  • Beneficiary bank's code: ABNGNGLA
  • Beneficiary bank's BAN NO (El-JR): GB74ClT11850081 1071238
  • Intermediary bank's Name: Cit Bank London
  • Citi Group Centre
  • Canary Wharf
  • Intermediary bank's Swift code: CITIGB2L
  • Sort Code:185008

Bank 2 of 2: DEUTSCHE BANK New York

Deutsche Bank offers robust payment processing services for USD, Euro, and GBP inflows. The correct beneficiary and intermediary bank details are essential for smooth transactions and for ensuring accuracy in routing payments for each currency type.

USD (US dollar)

  • Beneficiary bank's Name: Access Bank Plc
  • Beneficiary bank's Swift code: ABNGNGLA
  • Beneficiary bank's Account number:04434906
  • Int intermediary bank's Name: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New York Int intermediary bank's Swift code: BKTRUS33XXX
  • CHIPS: 0103
  • Fedwire #: 021001033

EUR (Euro) inflows

  • Beneficiary bank's Name: Access Bank Plc
  • Beneficiary bank's 5Mift code: ABNGNGLA
  • Beneficiary bank's Account number:955723200EUR
  • Intermediary bank's Name: DEUTSCHE BANK AG FRANKFURT
  • Intermediary bank's Swift code: DEUTDEFF
  • BAN: DE45500700100955723200

GBP (Pounds) inflows

  • Beneficiary bank's Name: Access Bank Plc
  • Beneficiary bank's Swift code: ABNGNGLA
  • Beneficiary bank's Account number:955723200GBP
  • Intermediary bank's Name: Deutsche Bank Frankfurt
  • Intermediary bank's Swift code: DEUTDEFF
  • BAN: DE45500700100955723200


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Illustration for Access Bank IBAN Number and Swift Codes
