How to Make Chatgpt Content Undetectable From AI Detectors

by Dimlaw 5 months ago
Updated: 5 months ago

ChatGPT has become the craze since its first launch in 2022. Millions and billions of people have used it from all over the world, and many like the speed as well as its efficacy in creating textual content. With AI-driven tools like ChatGPT, writing content has never been easier; it can be used to write articles, research papers, essays, and more.

With the increasing use of AI-generated content, it’s becoming important to ensure that the text produced by language models like ChatGPT appears human-written to avoid detection by AI content detection systems.

In this article, we will walk you through the strategies that can help make ChatGPT-generated content more natural and undetectable.

Illustration for How to Make Chatgpt Content Undetectable From AI Detectors

Add the ‘Perplexity’ to Your Content

Perplexity meaning measures the predictability of the sentence, and it is the main material that is required for AI-generated content to be undetectable. For example, if you have a sentence like “She walks with her…” and the next word is a cat, and AI guessed correctly, then that sentence has a low perplexity. This can be predicted because your sentence is easy to forecast. But if you write a sentence like “She walks with…her giraffe” and AI can not know the answer, then your sentence is high perplexity. Always keep in mind that you should make your content more perplexed, and it would seem to be less as AI-generated.

Some tips to improve your perplexity:

  • Use more vocabulary; don’t overuse single words; you can verify them or use synonyms, for instance.
  • When you are writing, put yourself in someone’s position. This means that you could put your own experiences into a specific context. Try to say something from your angle because a unique human perspective on life can never be recreated by AI.

Add Your Viewpoint

Another way you can try to humanize the ChatGPT content is by adding your personal opinion to each part of the paragraph. Showing your knowledge, understanding, and perspective and giving rigorous and logical arguments will make the passage sound more professional and authentic, not like a bot-generated. By combining your personal experiences, stories, or anecdotes relevant to the topic along with the knowledge of artificial intelligent, it will make the article more difficult to detect and also increase the diversity of your content.

Use Slang and Idioms Language

As much as ChatGPT is able to understand and help you produce idiomatic text, it still isn’t developed enough to be able to use the latest version of such a language in a natural way. Add some color to your text; throw in idiomatic expressions or slang that would benefit the audience. In this manner, your text will sound less formal and more conversational, and it will seem like a human had written it.

Creative Formatting

Do not forget the great power of the format. AI tends to follow conventional writing formats, while humans usually go out of any conventional way. Be creative: use bullet points, juggle your text alignment, or add weird subheadings. These formatting choices can give the impression that a human was behind the keyboard, making decisions based on aesthetics and readability.

Add Statistics

AI writing tools usually refrain from including statistics in their content. This is why adding raw data, such as the findings from a survey or the results of an experiment, is important when fine-tuning AI-generated content. To find relevant statistics relating to a keyword, Google “(the keyword) statistics” or “data about (the keyword).”

When searching for statistics, you need to be creative. Your search for data relating to your primary keyword may not yield any relevant results. So, you may have to dig further into the content to find other claims that could be backed up with statistics. When writing this blog where we discussed the accuracy of AI content detectors, we didn’t find any raw data relating to the accuracy of all AI detection tools. So, we cited some statistics including:

  • The results of a study on the biases of AI detection tools
  • The results of a study on the accuracy of the best AI detectors, including Gptzero.

Paraphrase Content By Hand

Last but not least, another way you can make ChatGPT undetectable is to go through your ChatGPT-generated text and make manual changes to it.

You could begin by deleting a few more paragraphs and replacing them with actual human writes. It gives it an actual feel when the text sounds more like it was authored by a person. Use varying sentence lengths and structures because ChatGPT and a majority of AI tools compute very definite writing styles. Changing it enables you to remove from these very definite patterns that have been set up initially.

Replace some common adjectives and adverbs with less common words to make the text more complex. But, a mere word replacement is not that efficient.

To fool the AI detectors, you need to put a human touch or ‘entropy’ on the content. This was possible if you first read a paragraph and then looked away, tried to recall the content from memory, and then rewrote the content. This approach makes the generation of language sound more natural and helps to create content that is less likely to hit the flag on being made by AI.


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