How to Obtain Your Tax Identification Number (TIN) Online in Nigeria

by Dimlaw 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago

Do you want to get your tax identification number in Nigeria?

Tax Identification Number popularly abbreviated as TIN is the number used to identify individual taxpayers in Nigeria. The unique number is assigned by the Federal Inland Revenue Service, the federal tax authority in Nigeria.

For an individual or business organization, the importance of TIN are endless. It is required for opening a business account. participation in government programs like loans, grants, e.t.c.

In this guide, we will show you different methods to get your tax identification number in Nigeria.

Illustration for How to Obtain Your Tax Identification Number (TIN) Online in Nigeria

Get Tax Identification Online As An Individual

To get your tax identification number online, you'll need to visit the official website of the Joint Tax Board to start the process. 

You can verify your TIN, access TIN registration system, register for TIN on the portal.

Here's how to get your TIN number on the portal:

1. Visit the Joint Tax Board website

2. Click on “Register for TIN (Individual)”.

3. You will be asked to provide your BVN as a valid means of identification.

  • Enter your BVN, Date of birth, Last Name and First Name in the provided input boxes and click on search

4. Follow the simple process after providing the information.

Get Tax Identification Online As An Organization

To get your tax identification number online as an organization, you'll need to have your business registration number with you before you visit the official website of the Joint Tax Board to start the process. 

Here's how to get your TIN number as an organization:

1. Visit the Joint Tax Board website

2. Click on “Register for TIN (Organization)”.

3. You will be asked to provide details about your organization.

  • Choose your organization type
  • Enter your Registration Number, Registration Name for your organization in the provided input boxes and click on search

4. Follow the simple process after providing the information.

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Illustration for How to Obtain Your Tax Identification Number (TIN) Online in Nigeria
